Conta AND Associates, Inc.


Public Policy Studies

Conta and Associates also has been retained to conduct a significant number of public policy studies:

·        Affirmative action programs for the MMSD

Supervised a fifteen-person project team which documented discriminatory practices in the construction marketplace and recommended a series of affirmative action procedures and programs to satisfy evolving federal court decisions. 

·        Master plan for Milwaukee Area Technical College

Selected as a project team leader to study the organizational structure and programming of MATC and design a strategic planning process.

·        Career Education Curriculum Study for Milwaukee Area Technical College and Milwaukee Public Schools

Retained by MPS and MATC to design an integrated curriculum for MPS students who are interested in pursuing occupational careers

·        EMS study for Milwaukee County

Retained by Milwaukee County to design and conduct a major study of the emergency medical services (EMS) of Milwaukee County and surrounding communities

·    Strategic plan for Milwaukee area hospitals

Retained by the Greater Milwaukee Committee and the Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce to:

                        --Select and supervise a group of health care consultants

--Critically analyze the operational, management and board structure of
   Milwaukee area hospitals

--Recommend a series of mergers, consolidations and service

·        Strategic planning process for Private Industry Council

Served as chairperson of the Private Industry Council Strategic Planning Committee and supervised the development of:

                        --PIC goals and objectives

                        --Requests for proposals

                        --Provider selection criteria

                        --Performance standards

                        --Program monitoring procedures

                        --Evaluation reports and provider recommendations.

·        Revision of medical education programs within Medical College of Wisconsin and University of Wisconsin Medical School

Selected as part of a project team by the Wisconsin Department of Health and Social Services to critically evaluate the educational missions of the MCOW and University of Wisconsin Medical School and recommend methods for reducing program duplication and establishing areas of cooperative programming.

·        Organizational and fiscal management study for 30th Street Industrial Corridor Corporation

Retained to critically evaluate the governance structure and fiscal management system of the ICC and recommend organizational changes.

·        Mid-Town Neighborhood Association

Participated with a team of consultants who evaluated the governance, operational performance and fiscal management system of the Mid-Town Neighborhood Association and recommend board, staff and operational changes. 

·        Governance system for Milwaukee Regional Medical Center

Retained by MRMC to critically review the organizational structure and objectives of the four major members of the MRMC and recommend a new system of shared governance. 

·        Pre-school through grade 5 curriculum for Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

Chairperson of state task force which:

--Critically examined primary educational curricula within Milwaukee
    Public School system

--Designed a series of educational intervention strategies to enhance
   academic performance for low-achieving students

--Recommended a financial funding formula based on performance

·        School to Work curriculum for Milwaukee Public School system.

Chairperson of MPS curriculum taskforce which designed a new School to Work curriculum for MPS students:

                        --Critically reviewed existing programs in other urban school districts

                        --Prepared a series of working papers

                        --Supervised preparation of final task force proposal.

·        Non-point Pollution Program for Milwaukee County

Retained by County Executive of Milwaukee County to review non-point pollution programs which were operative in other urban areas and recommend a strategy which could be used by the County to design and develop a pollution abatement program in Metropolitan Milwaukee. 

·        In-service training program for teachers in the Milwaukee Public School system.

Selected by MPS to supervise a planning task force and designed a new in-service training program for seventeen central city schools.


In addition, Conta and Associates has provided research and assistance within the framework of several other studies:

·        Assisted the Joint Health Care Task Force in developing various health care cost containment strategies.

·        Assisted Dental Insurance of Wisconsin in developing integrated dental and medical plans.

·        Assisted Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin, Inc. in developing policy studies.

·        Assisted the Center for Health Policy and Program Evaluation in developing various health care assessment studies.

·        Assisted the Milwaukee Public School System in redesigning its sexuality education programs.

·        Assisted the Milwaukee Public School System in designing criteria to implement early intervention educational strategies.